Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Leave Your Wedding Photography to the Professionals! or You'll Live To Regret It!

So many brides have said, "why not have my brother take some digital photos of the wedding and save the money on hiring a professional, after all he takes pretty good pictures!

Well, if you think it through or talk to ANY Bride AFTER the wedding and AFTER her brother (or friend or uncle) has taken the photos............I have NEVER found ANY or heard of ANY Brides who were glad they did.

Here's a typical scenario........pictures taken by non professional, someone is left out or the groom's (or heaven forbid, the bride's) little cousins or the step kids are left out of most photos or left out of ALL the shots.

That's just one example.....there are so many more! (NOT WORTH IT IN THE LONG RUN)

Next, think about the day after, the month after, the years that will follow........was it really smart to NOT have a professional who knows what to do, when to do it and how to follow up? NO! IT IS NEVER WORTH IT AFTER THE FACT.


You have one shot to do it right. Remember the images of your wedding day are the only things you will have, along with the memories, of your special day!

The photographers who specialize in weddings (like the ones at www.myutahweddingphotography.com) are a special group of artists who have passion and expertise way beyond just a point and shoot approach.

I know you'll make the right choice! Have a great Wedding Day and rest assured your images (and a link to the memories for years to come) are in the hands of a professional!